Sunday 24 June 2012

Gorjuss card

So I haven't beeen crafting much recently, you know how it is, with so many things going on in life, crafting just seems to take a back seat sometimes but I have made the odd card or gift so I thought I'd share what I've been up to.

This first one is the first card anyone has ever asked me to make, i was so thrilled to be asked. I was a retirement card for a guy from work.

It was also my sister in laws 40th birthday so I made her an easel card using some gorjuss girls decoupage, some sizzix rolled flowers, some handmade bunting and some bling.

I also made her a box of handmade milk chocolate truffles with vodka (these were deelish!)


And something to put her gift card in

Ok so I can't take any credit for this fathers day card, my beautiful little 4 year old boy drew the pictures (sorry, proud mummy moment!!) and we made some smartie cookies (daddy's favourite) and some chocolate chip cupcakes with mint frosting.

I'm having a sort out in my craft room at the moment so hopefully i'll be able to get in there properly soon and start creating again.